Posts tagged with blog
Interview Lescratch par Michael Honneger
2019-12-09 11:35:48 UTCLenscratch : Interview Michel Honneger While I have never formally met Emilie Möri, I feel that her artistic talent is a most satisfactory and colorful introduction to this young emerging French photographer. I was introduced to her by means of a referral from another photographer who recognized her unique qualities…
2019-11-22 17:55:00 UTC“When I saw Émilie’s work at The Other Art Fair I felt like I had entered a dream: a mix of vivid imagination combined with realness and depth. This Parisian photographer and designer captures emotion and the inner realities within us; exposing the darker moments of life with portraiture and…
Publication - Designboom
2015-09-07 16:22:00 UTCMerci à designboom pour cette publication “through the use of a single, simple element, paris-based photographer emilie möri has created an ‘explosive’ series of portraits that evoke both sensuality and spirituality. flour floods the frame as it surrounds a male and female model, coming to life through their slight…