«La nature est le cadeau le plus précieux qui nous ait été offert. Mais au cours des dernières décennies, notre terre mère, est ignorée, non respectée, maltraitée, violée, pour le profit, l’argent, la science, et les besoins égocentriques des êtres humains.Aujourd’hui, notre «Mère» a atteint sa limite de tolérance et répond à ces actions par le changement climatique, les ouragans, les tsunamis, les tremblements de terre... pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns ... Il est temps pour nous de réagir et d’écouter ses besoins afin de la sauver, de sauver notre avenir et nos générations futures.Le projet «Consciences» est un message et une vision d’espoir envers la société d’aujourd’hui et les défis qu’elle traverse.» Jona oak

"Nature is the most precious gift we have ever been given. But over the last few decades, our mother earth, is being ignored, disrespected, abused, violated, for profit, money, science, and the self-centered needs of human beings.Today, our "Mother" has reached her limit of tolerance and is responding to these actions with climate change, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes... to name but a few.... It is time for us to react and listen to her needs in order to save her, our future and our future generations.The "Consciences" project is a message and a vision of hope towards today's society and the challenges it is going through." Jona oak

Consciences (pdf)

Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth

In control

Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth

The nest

Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth

Climate change

Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth

The roots

Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


Consciences is a message and vision of hope towards today’s society (especially women) and the challenges it is going through. Jona Oak and Emilie Möri have joined their talents to share with us their tribute to Mother Earth


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